Boudoir and Privacy

January 29, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I wanted to write a post about this, because this has been a concern brought with inquiries I've received or with clients that have booked sessions. I love this work. I feel truly inspired by these boudoir sessions and the knowledge that myself and my team are empowering a woman and making her see how beautiful she is. I can't hardly contain my excitement after doing one of these sessions, and sharing it with everyone. But that's what I would like to talk about, your privacy.

Along with the contract my clients receive, they also receive a model release form. This form has everything to do with the privacy of your photos and how far you'd like that privacy to extend. The very first option on that form is "Please keep my images private, do not share with anyone." If my client checks that first option, I will not use a single one of their images for promotion, publication, advertising, etc. I completely understand how private and intimate these images are and I completely respect if you choose for me not to use them.

Other options on the form extend to being able to choose which images I use, using them for social network promotion or using only printed copies in my portfolios. As excited as I am about doing this work, I would never abuse my clients trust in me to keep them private. These are their photos, they get to choose if/how I use them.

The photos I've used for social media sites and my portfolio are from clients that have given me permission to use them. I am very grateful, as it allows me to show everyone the work that myself and my team do. But I completely respect those clients that choose to keep them private as well. If you ever have any questions about this, please feel free to ask me!


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